Participant Payments | Research Roadmap

Participant Payments


Efficiently manage Mount Sinai research participant stipends using the Advarra Participant Payments platform managed through FACTS. The Participant Payments system is integrated with OnCore so that it reduces duplicate data entry.


  • Saving time by reducing data entry and guaranteeing data consistency with OnCore.
  • Automatic pay of stipends – As soon as a study visit is completed, the user simply clicks ‘Pay’ in the system to release pre-approved stipends.
  • Offer participants the ability to view funds and set notification preferences through a web portal or mobile app (Hyperwallet).
  • Offering Mount Sinai research teams an automated system for stipend management.

Steps to Request the Use of Participant Payments for your Protocol

Please note that you are not obligated to use this platform, it is optional for use if the study sponsor has not already provided you with one. The research department must cover the card fees when using this system, it is recommended to negotiate and budget for the fees with the sponsor.

  1. Submit your request to use Participant Payments by filling out an OnCore/Payments Service Desk Ticket: Participant Payments Protocol Build
  2. The OnCore Central Team will verify that your protocol is in OnCore and that there are research staff trained to register subjects. This is a requirement for Participant Payments usage. IMPORTANT: If the protocol needs to be built or if OnCore training/user access is missing, this must be completed prior to using the Participant Payments platform.
  3. You will be provided guidance on what training must be performed and submitted through the OnCore/Payments Service Desk – User Access request..
    • IF YOU DO NOT YET HAVE ACCESS TO ONCORE:  You must self-assign and complete the OnCore eLearning module(s) in PEAK and submit an OnCore user access request with certificate(s) of completion prior to requesting user access for Participant Payments.
    • IF YOU ALREADY HAVE ACCESS TO ONCORE:  You must self-assign and complete the Participant Payments eLearning module in PEAK and submit a Participant Payments user access request with a certificate of completion (see instructions below).
  4. Once all training, user access, and protocol build (in OnCore) is verified – the OnCore Central Team will hand-off to the FACTS department to complete the intake process.
  5. The FACTS department will communicate with you once your protocol has been built and activated in the Participant Payments system. You will be provided a separate FACTS intake form to fill out and submit via email at
  6. Research teams must pick-up payment cards at 1468 Madison Avenue, MC Level. You will need to sign off on the pickup with the cashier and provide an ICN range (identification number on the card) to show how many cards were picked up. NOTE: We recommend you start with a smaller number of cards and come back for more as needed. The department will be billed by FACTS for the cards and they cannot be returned.
  7. Download the Cardholder Information documents (English and Spanish) from the CRC Vault and provide a copy to your patients. There is information about activating their Hyperwallet account, what to do in the event of lost/stolen card, and other valuable information.
  8. Submit amendments to the calendar/stipend visits to FACTS via email at – there is no need to resubmit an in-take form for changes.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: Make sure to verify the language of the Informed Consent document to include information about the dispensation of stipends through the use of the Participant Payments platform.

Administrative Departments

Financial Administration of Clinical Trial Services (FACTS)
The FACTS department can help answer questions surrounding the process of paying participants, what to do when there is a lost/stolen payment card, tax questions, or when patient payment information needs to be updated contact the FACTS department –

ORS OnCore Central Team
The OnCore Central Team (OCT) is a dedicated support unit housed within the Office of Research Services providing centralized Participant Payments technical support services.

Their charge includes:

  • Initial intake and setup within OnCore in preparation for use of the Participant Payments platform.
  • User Access Management
  • Development and Maintenance of the Participant Payments Training Program

The OCT can provide general support in how the system works, providing user access, and documenting training only. You can create a ticket with the OnCore Central Team using the OnCore/Payments Service Desk

System Link

Participant Payments

IMPORTANT: This application uses a firewall-protected website. You must use an MSHS on-site computer or connect to the MSHS VPN if accessing remote/off-site.

Access and Training

Participant Payments eLearning Training Module on PEAK is required for all new users.

  1. PEAK Access and Certificate Upload Instructions
  2. Open PEAK
  3. Search “Payments” in the catalog.
  4. Download the Certificate of Completion role-based training. The certificate can also be found under your transcripts.
  5. Open an OnCore/Payments Service Ticket at Participant Payment User Access – Create New User and upload your Certificate of Completion.

Document Download

Please navigate to the Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Vault > Documents tab to find a dedicated Participant Payments folder to download documents.