All sponsored project applications and a subset of ISMMS projects are prepared in InfoEd and routed for approval through the department(s) in which there are key personnel each year of the project. InfoEd is an IT system that internally routes and manages sponsored projects and a subset of ISMMS supported projects for department and Grants and Contract Office (GCO) review. InfoEd is also used to submit single project, competitive federal applications directly to the funding agency. Those are called System to System (S2S) applications.
Evaluation by the GCO includes review for accuracy of administrative and budget information, as well as for compliance with Federal, State, New York City, and Icahn School of Medicine regulations. This includes regulations pertaining to biosafety, the use of human subjects, vertebrate animals, or recombinant DNA.
Projects that Require Submission to the GCO via InfoEd
- All sponsored projects, including industry sponsored projects. Exception – Sponsored projects where BRANY (Biomedical Research Alliance of New York) serves as the IRB and also negotiates the clinical trial agreement on behalf of Mount Sinai are not submitted to the GCO.
- All ISMMS supported projects that do not involve humans or animals.
- All ISMMS supported projects for which the GCO signs a research related agreement (e.g., Data Transfer Use Agreement, Study Drug Donation Agreement, etc.)
Projects that Do Not Require Submission to the GCO via InfoEd - Effective September 23, 2020
- ISMMS supported projects involving human or animal research unless it requires an agreement as noted above.
For more information, refer to Does My Project Need to be Submitted to the GCO?
Step 1 - Take the required InfoEd PD training.
Step 2 - Has the PI delegated InfoEd users? Delegates may edit and enter information into the InfoEd proposal.
Step 3 - Is the funding agency or subaward institution listed in the InfoEd database? Requests to add a funding agency can be made by submitting an InfoEd ticket. Turnaround time is typically 2-3 business days.
Step 4 - Is the investigator and other key personnel listed in the InfoEd database? Requests to add personnel can be made by submitting an InfoEd ticket. For additional information regarding required personnel, refer to the GCO Application Submission Checklist Instructions numbers 4 and 17.
Step 5 - Choose the correct type of InfoEd Application. There are multiple types of InfoEd applications and it is crucial the correct application is selected during initial set up of the proposal. For detailed guidance, refer to the Instructions for Creating an InfoEd Application.
Step 6 - For Human Subject Research, include a memo with your RUTH # if you have one.
Step 7 - Review the GCO Application Information for checklists, getting started documents and additional information.
Non-System to System Submission (non-S2S)
For Non-S2S InfoEd submissions, upload a PDF copy of the complete application or progress report for funded studies or a copy of the protocol or progress report for unfunded applications in InfoEd.
GCO Review and Approval Deadlines
Federal Applications - Five business days prior to extramural funding agency, deadline by 11am.
All Other Applications - One business day prior to extramural funding agency deadline. (Contact your GCO Grants Specialist for projects with complex budgetary and/or administrative requirements. One business day may not apply.)
Note: Note: For projects with complex budgets/administrative requirements (e.g., program projects, application with many subawards, international extramural funding agency application with nonstandard budget forms), contact your assigned Grants Specialist in advance regarding any additional time the GCO may need in the review and approval process.
Note: Only a subset of ISMMS projects must be submitted to the GCO. For more information, refer to Does My Project Need to be Submitted to the GCO?
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