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- Financial Conflict of Interest in Research Committee (FCOIRC)
- Grants and Contracts Office (GCO)
- Industry funded studies managed by FACTS do not need to be submitted to GCO.
- Internally funded studies (by Icahn School of Medicine) do not need to be submitted to GCO unless GCO is responsible for signing the research related agreement (e.g., drug donation agreement, data transfer use agreement) or the project is not submitted to the PPHS or IACUC offices.
Translational and Basic Science - Institutional Review Committees
Depending on the nature of your research, the following institutional approvals may be required.
- Embryonic Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (ESCRO)
- Human Subject Institutional Review Committees
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
- Cybersecurity Risk Assessment
- Laser Safety Committee (LSC)
- Radiation Safety Office (RSO)
- Department or Institute Specific
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