Data Management

Data Retention

Data Storage

For Data Storage and Management information, refer to the Mount Sinai Information Technology page.

Length of Time to Maintain Data

Per Mount Sinai institutional policy, research data that supports any publication must be kept at least Six (6) years after the date of publication. (Source: Faculty Handbook Data Retention Policy and Graduate School Student Handbook)

Use the longest retention period when the Mount Sinai policy differs from that of the funding organization. Contracts may specify different time periods; any contractual obligation for longer retention would supersede any other retention policies.

Data produced through funded research that does not support a publication must be retained according to the funder policy.  For example, per Section 8.4.2 of the NIH Grants Policy Statement, grantee institutions are required to keep the data for 3 years following closeout of a grant or contract agreement.

If you have questions about data and records retention at Mount Sinai, consult the Records Management Program page, refer to the records retention schedule and contact Records Manager, Andrew Shultz at, for further direction.  If you have questions about your funder’s data and document retention policies, please contact  FACTS at for industry funded clinical trial agreements, MSIP at for industry funded basic science agreements or GCO at for all other agreements and awards.

Documentation and Data Management

Resources for Documentation and Data Management

LabArchives Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) provides a cloud based Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) service for all ISMMS researchers through an enterprise license agreement with LabArchives.

Features of ISMMS ELN:

  • Track progress
  • Streamline lab logistics
  • Share data and results with collaborators
  • Report findings
  • Secure (backed up and encrypted) notebook and uploaded files (16 GB size limit per file; 1 TB limit per notebook)
  • Meet active research and restricted data management requirements of various funding agencies including NIH
  • Generate DOIs to persistently identify data to be shared for publications and funder requirements

Learn More

Data Storage

For Data Storage and Management information, refer to the Mount Sinai Information Technology page.

Records Management

See the Data Retention section above for information about document/records retention.


Research 411 Portal

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