- Agreement and Contract Navigator Tool
- Applied Clinical Trials
- The Apheresis Center
- Assay Development and Screening Core Facility (Drug Discovery Institute)
- Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP)
- Atomic Force Microscopy Core Facility (Departmental Cores)
- Biobank (SBU)
- Bioinformatics Laboratory (Departmental Cores)
- Biological Mass Spectrometry (SBU)
- BioMe BioBank Program
- BioMedical Engineering and Imaging Institute (BMEII)
- Biorepository of WTC Solid Cancers
- BioResearch Core (RPI)
- Biostatistical Consulting Core (SBU)
- Biotech Analytical Biochemistry Core (RPI)
- Biotech Cell & Molecular Core (RPI)
- Biotech Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Core (RPI)
- Biotech Microbiology Core (RPI)
- Biotech Microscopy Core (RPI)
- Biotech NMR Core (RPI)
- Biotech Proteomics Core (RPI)
- Biotech Stem Cell Core (RPI)
- Biomedical Research Alliance of New York (BRANY)
- Calpendo
- Cancer Registry (Departmental Cores)
- Cell Culture Supplies Center
- Cell, Developmental and Regenerative Biology Enzyme Store
- Center for Advanced Genomics Technology (CAGT)
- Center for Biostatistics
- Center for Clinical Laboratories
- Center for Comparative Medicine and Surgery (CCMS)
- Center for Digital Health
- Center for Interventional Cardiovascular Research and Clinical Trials
- Center for Medical Devices
- Center for Therapeutic Antibody Development (CTAD) (Drug Discovery Institute)
- Center for Understanding Biology using Imaging Technology (CUBIT) (SBU)
- Center of Comparative Medicine and Surgery (CCMS)
- Center Watch
- Central Microscopy Imaging Center (SBU)
- Chemistry Department Major Instrumentation Center (RPI)
- Chemical Waste Disposal – #EHSwaste@mountsinai.org
- CII 3226 Data Center (RPI)
- Clinical and Translational Science Center (SBU)
- Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
- Clinical Research Coordinator (CRC) Vault
- Clinical Services (Center for Comparative Medicine and Surgery)
- Clinical Trials Management System (CTMS) – OnCore
- Comparative Pathology Laboratory (Center for Comparative Medicine and Surgery)
- ConduITS – The Institutes for Translational Sciences
- Conflicts of Interest in Research (COI)
- COVID-19 Autopsy Tissue
- COVID Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)
- COVID-19 Patient Dataset
- Cytopathology (Departmental Cores)
- Data Ark Data Commons
- Data Classification Reference Guide (Research IT)
- Dean’s Cores
- Departmental Cores
- Department of Medicine Clinical Trials Office (CTO)
- Department of Volunteer Services
- Digital Concierge Service
- Digital Media Center
- Division of Laboratory Animal Resources (DLAR) (SBU)
- DNA Sequencing Facility (SBU)
- Drug Discovery Institute
- Drug Information Association
- Enrichment Services (Center for Comparative Medicine and Surgery)
- Epic
- eRAP
- Electron Microscope Laboratory (RPI)
- Energy Materials and Device Lab (EMDL) (RPI)
- Environmental Health & Safety Inquiries – AskEHS@mssm.edu
- Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) Office (intranet)
- Facility for Experimental Radiopharmaceutical Manufacturing (FERM) (SBU)
- Financial Administration of Clinical Trials Services (FACTS)
- Flow Cytometry (Dean’s Cores)
- Flow Cytometry Facility (SBU)
- Freezer Farm (Dean’s Cores)
- General Thoracic Surgery STS Database
- Genomics Core Facility (Departmental Cores)
- Genomics Core Facility (GCF)
- Genomics Core Facility (SBU)
- Geotechnical Centrifuge (RPI)
- Grants and Contracts Office (GCO)
- Grants Application Resource Center (GARC)
- Health Canada
- Human Immune Monitoring Center (HIMC)
- Husbandry Services (Center for Comparative Medicine and Surgery)
- iLab
- InfoEd
- Institute for Health Care Delivery Science
- Institute for Transformative Clinical Trials (ITCT)
- Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
- Institutional Biosafety Program
- Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- International Conference on Harmonization (ICH)
- Investigational Drug Service (IDS)
- Irradiator (Dean’s Cores)
- Keck THz Laboratory (RPI)
- LabArchives Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)
- LabVantage
- Leaf
- Levy Library
- Life Sciences Technology Laboratory (Departmental Cores)
- LINAC Service Center (RPI)
- Mechanical Testing Facility – Materials (RPI)
- Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory (Drug Discovery Institute)
- MediTract
- Metallography Lab Operation (RPI)
- Mentorship for Successful Career Development
- Micro and Nano Fabrication Clean Room Facility (RPI)
- Microbiome Translational Center
- Microscopy Core (Dean’s Cores)
- Microvascular Surgery Facility
- Minerva Supercomputer
- Mobile App Studio
- Molecular Cloning Service (SBU)
- Molecular Modeling Core (Departmental Cores)
- Mount Sinai Center for Bioinformatics
- Mount Sinai Imaging Research Warehouse (MS-IRW)
- Mount Sinai Data Warehouse (MSDW)
- Mount Sinai Innovation Partners (MSIP)
- Mouse Genetics and Gene Targeting (Dean’s Cores)
- NanoScale Characterization Facility (RPI)
- NCATS National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Data Enclave
- NIH Articles, Books, and Newsletters
- NIH eRA Commons
- NYS Grants Gateway
- Oncology Clinical Annotation Project (CAP)
- Oncological Sciences
- Office of Research Services (ORS)
- Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)
- PEAK (Portal for Education and Advancement of Knowledge)
- PET Ex Vivo Radiometabolite Laboratory (PERL) (SBU)
- Precision Immunology Institute
- Preclinical MRI Center (SBU)
- Pre-Award Contacts by Department
- PRIM&R (IRB Forum)
- PROMIS® (Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System)
- Quantitative PCR – qPCR (Dean’s Cores)
- Radiation Safety Human Use Subcommittee
- Radiation Safety Office (intranet)
- REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture)
- Research Compliance
- Research Histology (SBU)
- Research IT
- Research Laboratory Website Request
- Research ListServ
- Research.gov
- Rodent Breeder Colony Management (Dean’s Cores)
- RUTH – IRB Submission System
- Scholars Portal
- Scientific Computing and Data
- SCOREC Computing Support (RPI)
- Sinai BioDesign
- Sinai Central
- Small-Animal PET Facility (Inveon/microPET) (SBU)
- Society of Clinical Research Associates (SoCRA)
- Software
- Sponsored Projects Accounting (SPA)
- Stem Cell Engineering CoRE
- Stem Cell Transplantation (SBU)
- Stony Brook University (SBU) Research Core Facilities
- Structured Based Drug Discovery (Drug Discovery Institute)
- Supply Center (SBU)
- Tank Gas Program (SBU)
- The Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine
- The Tisch Cancer Institute
- Topaz Granite
- Tumor CtyoGenomics (Departmental Cores)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
Research 411 Portal
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