Departmental Cores & Facilities | Research Roadmap

Departmental Cores & Facilities

Atomic Force Microscopy Core Facility

Clinical Research Unit (CRU)

CRU Website


The Clinical Research Unit (CRU) provides infrastructure to perform clinical and translational research studies including:

  • Outpatient Space
  • Nursing Support
  • Specimen Processing
  • Walk-in Phlebotomy
  • Pre-procedure COVID testing (for research studies only)

For more information refer to CRU Resources and watch the CRU Video Tour.

Equipment List and Photos

For a list of CRU equipment and photos, see the CRC Vault.


Refer to the CRU Fee Schedule.


8:00 AM – 5:30 PM (Monday – Friday, except hospital holidays)

Walk In Phlebotomy Services – 9:00 AM – 4:30 PM (Monday-Friday, except hospital )


Investigators interested in using CRU services must complete an application and receive approval from the CRU Administration Committee. Requests to use the CRU services may be assigned through the IRB/RUTH submission process by completing the Ancillary Review Form and assigning CRU via the Manage Ancillary Review tab. Applications should be completed in its entirety (budget page included). Investigators will receive notification of approval via email communication with the CRU and/or through RUTH.


Applications can be included with the IRB/RUTH submission. To avoid delays, investigators are encouraged to speak with the CRU, prior to submitting applications.


An in-service meeting with the CRU team may be required prior to scheduling services. At the in-service, the study protocol and procedures will be discussed to ensure that all of the elements are in place to safely and effectively begin the study. For more information refer to the web page – Clinical Research Unit (CRU).

Clinical Research

COVID Clinical Trials Unit (CTU)

The COVID Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), under the Division of Infectious Diseases, was established after the 1st wave of the pandemic to orchestrate the many ongoing COVID-19 clinical investigations throughout the Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS).

Since its inception, the COVID CTU has participated in several landmark COVID-19 studies, including the evaluations of the Regeneron monoclonal antibodies as well as the Pfizer and J&J vaccines. The COVID CTU continues to enroll research volunteers in both inpatient and outpatient settings.

All COVID-19 related protocols must be submitted to the COVID CTU for review and implementation. The COVID CTU will work directly with investigators to submit budgets, contracts, and other regulatory needs. Furthermore, the COVID CTU can provide research staffing support at most MSHS hospitals if additional staffing is needed.

Contact for information about COVID-19 clinical trials at Mount Sinai.

For further information, please contact Debbie Lucy, COVID CTU Program Manager, at 212-824-7714 or email

COVID-19 Registry Studies

The Mount Sinai COVID-19 Registry is a system wide initiative that is currently enrolling patients who have previously been diagnosed with COVID-19 and a sample of COVID-19 negative controls. Registry participants undergo a baseline survey to collect information regarding sociodemographics, comorbidities, health behaviors, medications, access to care, mental health, cognitive function, and quality of life. Data are also collected about the acute episode of COVID-19 and biometric measurements are performed, as well as EKG and basic labs. Blood samples (plasma, serum, and PBMCs) and urine are obtained and maintained in a dedicated biorepository. Participants are followed every 6 months for the first year and then yearly thereafter.

To initiate a review, submit the COVID-19 Registry Study Submission Form

Department of Health Education
Department of Health Education Website

The Mount Sinai Department of Health Education partners with our health system colleagues and our community to promote access to and engagement with the information, services, and resources individuals and families need to live their healthiest lives. We believe that everyone deserves access to affirming, inclusive, and appropriate health information that is actionable and empowering and reflective of the diverse communities we serve. Our goal is that our community members understand the Mount Sinai Health System to be a reliable, trustworthy, and committed partner in addressing health disparities and supporting community health. We are driven by our commitments to advancing racial justice and health equity on the systemic, institutional, and individuals levels.

Our scope of services include:

  • Internal consultation on patient-facing health education content creation, and the development of provider-facing tools and resources
  • Professional development for staff on topics such as health literacy, risk communication, motivational interviewing, and creating health literate print resources
  • Health education program development and implementation
  • Health system consultation and partnership on equity- and education-related initiatives

Health Education

Department of Medicine Clinical Trials Office (CTO)

CTO Website

The Clinical Trials Office (CTO) provides infrastructure to support investigators within the Department of Medicine conduct industry sponsored clinical trials.


Life Sciences Technology Laboratory

Molecular Modeling Core

Departmental Cores Website

The Molecular Modeling Core specializes in supporting research on macromolecular structures in silico studies of proteins and nucleic acids. Such studies can include:


  • Ab initio structure prediction of small molecules (either using quantum mechanics or molecular mechanics)
  • Homology modeling of proteins
  • Virtual screening (docking)
  • Computer simulations (molecular dynamics or Monte Carlo)

The Core offers help in:

  • Installing and using visualization software (e.g., Pymol or VMD)
  • Structure prediction and manipulation software (e.g., Marvin, Avogadro)
  • Using software installed on our supercomputer, Minerva (e.g., Gaussian, Charmm, Amber, NAMD, and MMC; as well as several docking programs, such as Autodock-4, Autodock-Vina, and DOCK)

Students interested in molecular modeling tools can take the course “BSR2104 Intro to Computer Modeling & Macromolecules.” For assistance in using the Core, as well as tutorials and consultations, refer to the Mezei Laboratory site.

Mihaly Mezei, PhD, Director
Tel: (212) 659-5474 (x85475)


Sinai BioDesign


Mount Sinai BioDesign is a technology and device incubator as well as an engineering laboratory and prototyping facility for the Mount Sinai Health System. The group is dedicated to a needs-driven approach to innovation in medicine, inspired and advised by Mount Sinai faculty and staff to translate clinical knowledge into commercially-relevant products, often together with industrial collaborators. The group incorporates engineering, project management, and clinical resources towards its goal of empowering the Mount Sinai community to translate technological innovations and deliver them into the hands of physicians and patients. The group also supports research efforts in medical artificial intelligence with resources and mentorship through the graduate programs in Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies, and in technology related clinical trials together with the Department of Population Health.


  • Design & Engineering Consultations
  • Manual Fabrication
  • Digital Fabrication and Design
  • Medical Modeling
  • Prototyping
  • Equipment
    • 3D Printers
    • Laser Cutter
    • Parylene Deposition System
    • CNC mill
    • Hand and Power Tools
    • Other Postprocessing Capabilities

Artificial Intelligence Biodesign Fabrication Incubators Medical Devices

Scientific Computing and Data

Scientific Computing and Data Website

Scientific Computing and Data provides the computational and data infrastructure to accelerate scientific discovery at Mount Sinai.


High-Performance Computing

Data Resources

Data Capture Tools

Other Services

  • Digital Concierge Service
  • Honest Broker Service for EMR research
    • Proficiency in database management, SQL scripting, and EHR database design
    • HIPAA trained, responsible conduct of human subject research
    • Compliant with all regulatory frameworks.

Transfusion Medicine and Cellular Therapy Laboratories

Transfusion Medicine and Cellular Therapy Website

The Transfusion Medicine and Cellular Therapy Laboratories in the Department of Pathology, Molecular and Cell-Based Medicine provide infrastructure, expertise and services to support clinical research.


  • The Blood Bank
  • Cellular Therapy Laboratory
  • The Apheresis Center

Transfusion Medicine and Blood Bank

Tumor CytoGenomics Laboratory

Tumor CytoGenomics Website

The Tumor CytoGenomics Laboratory in the Department of Pathology, Molecular and Cell-Based Medicine, provides expertise in cancer cytogenetic techniques and analysis. The laboratory offers a full range of services to support clinical and basic research.


  • Tumor CytoGenomics Laboratory Clinical Services
  • Clinical Tests
  • Disease-Specific FISH Panels
  • Consultation Services
