Each laboratory at Mount Sinai is a unique environment. Laboratory specific training is required to ensure researchers are aware of the specific hazards present in their labs, are familiar with the location of safety equipment, and understand how to evacuate safely in the event of an emergency.
Laboratory Specific Safety Orientation
Required For
Any individual who will be working for the first time in a laboratory or existing personnel transferring to a new/different lab.
Training must be completed prior to starting work as a new lab member.
Access Instructions
- The Laboratory Orientation Checklist is located in the Laboratory Safety Manual (intranet). You can also request a copy of the Orientation Checklist by emailing EH&S at AskEHS@mountsinai.org.
- Reminder that this training is location and laboratory specific; it must be conducted in the lab by the supervisor or appointed laboratory designee.
Laboratory Specific Hazard Assessment (LHAT)
Required For
A Laboratory Hazard Assessment is required for all laboratories. A Principal Investigator, Supervisor or manager must indicate all hazards within laboratory space under their management. All laboratory personnel must read and understand the hazard assessment, and sign off that they have reviewed it.
Laboratory Hazard Assessments must be completed before work starts in a laboratory space. All laboratory personnel must review the LHAT prior to starting work as a new lab member. LHAT’s should be reviewed annually, and updated with any additional hazards.
Access Instructions
Laboratory Hazard Assessments are completed online, using SECTOR.
Contact EH&S at AskEHS@mssm.edu with any questions.
Laboratory Specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
Required For
Standard Operating Procedures are required in all laboratories where hazardous chemicals are in active use. All laboratory personnel must be read and review standard operating procedures, and signed off that they have reviewed it. Laboratory personnel must not deviate from established SOPs without PI approval.
Standard Operating Procedure must be completed before work with a specific chemical starts in a laboratory space. All laboratory personnel must review the SOP prior to starting work as a new lab member. SOPs should be reviewed annually, and updated with as needed.
Access Instructions
Standard Operating Procedures are completed using templates provided by EH&S. Banded SOPs can be accessed in SECTOR or contact EH&S at AskEHS@mssm.edu for templates for the chemicals that will be actively used in the laboratory.