Informatics Core Selected Recent Accomplishments: Training

Jun 26, 2024 | Conduits News, Edition 4

With our partners across Mount Sinai, the Mount Sinai ConduITS Informatics Core has enabled translational science activities, with a current focus in the areas of AI, data sharing and training. The Informatics Core enabled nearly 200 publications in 2023.


The Informatics Core connected to the Mount Sinai community with >1,000 contacts in 2023! This included 14 training sessions, eight town halls and 50 digital concierge sessions.

Selected spring 2024 events included:

  • Leaf and TriNetX Cohort
    • Query Tool training
    • The training showed how to use self-service query tools to create cohorts using data from the healthcare processes at MSHS. The slides and video are available at this link.
  • Minerva High Performance Computing, GPU/AI and Data Ark Data Commons training
    • Seven training sessions were held for Minerva users during Spring 2024, including specialized training sessions jointly with NVIDIA on using Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for Artificial Intelligence (AI). The training materials can be accessed on this page and this link.
  • Epic Research Module training
    • This training covered an overview of the features and workflows including: tracking patient enrollment in Epic; linking encounters to research studies; receiving admission, discharge or transfer notifications for research participants; and research recruitment options via MyMountSinai. The session slides and video are available at this link.
  • ConduITS Translational Science Day
    • We connected with trainees, scholars and faculty during the June 3 “SpeedConnections” information session.
  • Lunch and learn for newer researchers
    • This in-person lunch and learn event on May 9 was organized to introduce the Informatics Core to newer researchers: Masters and PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, and assistant professors. Three invited researchers shared examples of how the Informatics Core enabled their research.
  • Digital Concierge
    • The Digital Concierge is held every Wednesday from 3:30-4:30 PM with 10 teams available to assist via Zoom rooms. Digital and Technology (DTP) is available for guidance with academic technology, cybersecurity, Levy library resources and services and Epic research training. Click here to register and join.


Experts are the available in the following areas:

  • High Performance Computing (HPC) – Jielin Yu, PhD
    • The HPC team helps you develop and run your computational science and data science on Minerva, consisting of >2 petaflops of computational power (CPUs+GPUs), 32 petabytes of storage and over 1,000 applications.
  • Data Ark Data Commons – Yiyuan Liu, PhD
    • The Data Ark team supports you to utilize publicly available and Sinai-specific data sets located on Minerva.
  • Mount Sinai Data Warehouse (MSDW) – Naomi So, MD
    • The MSDW team guides you to identify and utilize clinical and operational data from MSHS’s health care processes.
  • Research Electronic Data CAPture (REDCap) – Catherine Bauer-Martinez
    • The REDCap team assists you to build and manage online surveys and projects.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) — S M Shamimul Hasan, PhD
    • The AI team guides you to leverage AI tools for your research.
  • Academic Technology – Justin Pitts
    • DTP provides support for computer-related issues, software questions, and IT concerns.
  • Cybersecurity – Marco Smith, Raquel Roben
    • Protect your data, laptop and other digital resources
  • Levy Library Resources and Services – Kristine Alpi, MLS, MPH, PhD
    • Use library resources to find and manage evidence, data, and measurement instruments. Guidance on publication analysis and research impact, evidence synthesis, reference management, and data sharing.
  • Epic Research – Gabriela Krol
    • Support for issues related to existing Epic research functionality and guidance for future research endeavors.

We will hold additional events this fall, which will be promoted on the ORS research mailing lists and on our website. Stay tuned!


ConduITS is supported by NCATS of the NIH’s CTSA Program. Any use of CTSA-supported resources requires citation of grant number UL1TR004419 awarded to ISMMS in the acknowledgment section of every publication resulting from this support. Adherence to the NIH Public Access Policy is also required.

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