Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) | Research Roadmap

Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S)

Mount Sinai is committed to maintaining compliance with applicable federal, state and local environmental statutes, regulations, and permits, and strives for continuous improvement in environmental performance.

Sal Tranchina

Contact Information
(212) 241-7233 (x4SAFE)
EH&S Website

IT System
SECTOR (Safety, Environment, Compliance, Training and Online Record Keeping)

Chemical Spills – Call Security (Dial 60) and provide basic information including: type of chemical, quantity and location.
Chemical Waste Disposal – #EHSwaste@mountsinai.org

Policies & Manuals

Environmental Health & Safety Programs

Laboratory Safety

The Laboratory Safety team oversees the safe and compliant operation of research laboratories, including, but not limited to, chemical storage, management and use, chemical waste management and the development and implementation of a Chemical Hygiene Plan.

Chemical Hygiene Officer

Contact Information
(212) 241-7233
EH&S Website (intranet)

Policies & Manuals

Occupational Safety

The Occupational Safety team oversees a variety of OSHA regulated safety programs, including, but not limited to, hazard communication, exposure monitoring and respiratory fit testing.


Contact Information
(212) 241-7233

Radiation Safety

The Radiation Safety Office oversees the use of radioactive materials at Mount Sinai and ensures the continued safety of employees and patients through the application of Radiation Safety procedures.

Jacob Kamen, PhD

Contact Information
(212) 241-2269
Emergency – Call Security (Dial 60)
Radiation Safety Website (intranet)

Policies & Manuals