Sponsored Research Agreement – MSIP | Research Roadmap

A Sponsored Research Agreement (SRA) is a legal contract between Mount Sinai and a third party (often a for-profit company) for the purposes of funding and conducting research at Mount Sinai according to the investigator’s design. Proposals inclusive of a statement of work and project budget must be submitted to MSIP Business Development prior to providing to the sponsor.

Note: It is expected that Mount Sinai’s full Facilities and Administrative rate (F&A) (currently, 69.5%) is fully reflected in the budget. F&A costs are neither a profit nor a tax. Acceptance of an SRA without full compensation of Mount Sinai’s F&A costs places the institution at risk by providing research for amounts lower that the true costs incurred, which may be construed as subsidizing a commercial entity, a violation of IRS regulations. In addition, use of an F&A rate lower than that which is charged to the federal government may be seen as benefiting private companies at the government’s expense. For these reasons, reductions or waivers of F&A costs are rarely granted and must receive prior written approval from Stephen Harvey, Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer. Mount Sinai Health System. If a waiver has been issued, a copy should be forwarded to MSIP for formal inclusion in the file prior to signature.

This is to be distinguished from:

  • A Research Service Agreement, whereby a for-profit company provides funding for the performance of research designed by the company; and
  • Clinical Trial Agreements specific to evaluating products in human subjects trials following a protocol developed by the sponsor (as well as CDAs made in anticipation or otherwise regarding a clinical trial), which are negotiated through Financial Administration of Clinical Trials Services (FACTS) instead of through MSIP.

(Source: http://www.ip.mountsinai.org/request-an-agreement/#1522693927249-e4dc494b-0098)

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