Consultant – GCO | Research Roadmap

An individual who provides professional advice or services for a fee. On NIH and other Federal grants, consultants are typically “Key Personnel.” A Mount Sinai employee cannot be a paid consultant on a sponsored project conducted at Mount Sinai. Example: Dr. Smith in Pediatrics has an NIH grant and would like to pay Dr. Howell in Neurology as a consultant. This is not allowed. For the policy on faculty as consultants for an external entity (e.g., consultant on a NIH grant that is not conducted at Mount Sinai), please click on link below and go to Section E.

A Mount Sinai employee can be an unpaid consultant on a sponsored project conducted at Mount Sinai. Example: Dr. Smith in Pediatrics is applying to the American Cancer Society and would like to include Dr. Kim in Oncological Sciences as an unpaid consultant. Assuming that the time commitment is minimal (i.e., less than 1%), this is allowable.

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