Research Supplies | Research Roadmap

Research Supplies

Reagents & Supplies

Cell Culture Supplies Center

Cell Culture Supplies Center Website

The Cell Culture Supplies Center provides reagents for researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai community. Special orders of any product from the catalogs of Thermo Fisher Scientific (formerly Life Technologies) and Sigma-Aldrich can be made and delivered within 24-48 hours.

Reagents & Supplies

Cell, Developmental and Regenerative Biology Enzyme Store

CDRB Enzyme Store Website

The Cell, Developmental and Regenerative Biology (CDRB) Enzyme store stocks and resells a full assortment of restriction enzymes, a variety of molecular biological kits, modifying enzymes, polymerases and ready to use culture media. In addition, we have ready to use tissue culture media (i.e., DMEM, RPMI 1640, PBS).

Reagents & Supplies

Environmental Health & Safety Laboratory Supplies

Laboratory Hazardous Waste Supplies

Environmental Health and Safety provides supplies, including containers, labels and signs, to assist with the compliant management of hazardous waste. For more information, refer to Hazardous Waste Management (intranet).

Questions: Contact EH&S at

Laboratory Signage

Environmental Health and Safety provides all required signage for laboratory spaces.

Questions: Contact EH&S at

Hazardous Materials Shipping

Environmental Health and Safety provides supplies to ensure the compliant shipping of hazardous materials, including human and animal specimens, dry ice, and chemicals. For more information, refer to Hazardous Materials Shipping (intranet).

Questions: Contact EH&S at

Reagents & Supplies

Investigational Drug Services (IDS)

IDS Website

The Investigational Drug Services facilitates the procurement of investigational products and provides proper storage and accountability for all investigational products according to local and federal regulations.

Reagents & Supplies

Stem Cell Engineering CoRE


Academic IT Support Center

The Academic IT Support Center distributes site-licensed software for use on Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (ISMMS) workstations and laptop computers. Licenses are available for a variety of products from Microsoft, Adobe, MathWorks, SAS, and SPSS.


Mount Sinai Center for Bioinformatics Software Tools

Mount Sinai Center for Bioinformatics Website

The Mount Sinai Center for Bioinformatics has developed widely-accessed web-based software tools to assist investigators with the discovery of new knowledge from omics datasets and predict small molecules as novel leads starting from gene expression profiling data. These tools have been accessed by over two million users world-wide and are utilized in a variety of collaborative projects involving different data types.

Web-Based Software Tools
