The Center for Nursing Research and Innovation (CNRI) | Research Roadmap

The Center for Nursing Research and Innovation (CNRI)

Quick Reference Guide for Nurse Led EBP, QI, and Research Projects at MSHS

The Center for Nursing Research and Innovation (CNRI) created this quick reference guide to help you navigate the process of completing an evidence-based practice (EBP), quality improvement (QI), or research project in the Mount Sinai Health System (MSHS). Please reach out to with any questions.

Literature Search

If you would like support with conducting a literature search, the Levy Library provides excellent guides and individual consultations. You can learn more about their services and how to contact them by reading Levy Library Resources and Support for Conducting Literature Searches.

Planning a Nurse Led EBP, QI or Research Project

Anyone planning a nurse led EBP, QI, or research project should begin by reading The Nursing Project Approval Council (NPAC): Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How to Submit Your Project. Please note that all nurse led EBP, QI, and research projects at MSHS must be submitted to NPAC before they begin. NPAC will determine whether the project requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) review.

IRB Review

If your project is referred by NPAC for IRB review, please read our guide for Submitting Your Project to the IRB. Please note that not all projects will require IRB review. You do not need to contact the IRB unless NPAC refers your project for IRB review.

CITI Training

CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) training for safe and ethical project conduct is required for all EBP, QI, and research projects, regardless of whether they require IRB review. Instructions for completing CITI training are provided in CITI Training: Course Requirements and Site Navigation.

Is Your Project EBP, QI, or Research?

To get a better understanding of whether your project is EBP, QI, or research, please read Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, and Research: What’s the Difference and Why Does it Matter?

Project Design and Data Analysis

To make your project findings robust, please read Support for Project Design and Data Analysis. Project leaders are strongly encouraged to consider their plan for data analysis prior to beginning any project.

Data Collection and Storage

REDCap© is recommended for data collection and storage because it has helpful project management features and provides strong data security. If you will be collecting and storing data for your project, please read Using REDCap© for Secure Data Collection and Storage.

Publishing Your Work

Your EBP, QI, or research project can help others across the globe! Please consider publishing your work. The Quick Guide to Publishing your EBP, QI, or Research Project will tell you how to get started and how to get support.

DNP Projects at MSHS

If you are enrolled in a DNP program and planning to complete your DNP project at MSHS, please read DNP Projects in the Mount Sinai Health System: Frequently Asked Questions and Tips for Success.

Dissertation Research at MSHS

If you are enrolled in a PhD, EdD, DNSc, or other research doctoral program and planning to complete your dissertation research at MSHS please read Completing Your Dissertation Research in the Mount Sinai Health System.

External Funding

If you are submitting an application for external grant funding (e.g., from a professional organization, government agency, or foundation) please contact for assistance with this process. All applications for external funding must be reviewed by the Mount Sinai Grants and Contracts Office (GCO) prior to submission. The CNRI will help guide you through the process of preparing your materials for GCO review.
