Fundamentals | Research Roadmap

Subaward – GCO

A legal instrument by which a recipient (i.e., the prime institution) provides funds (or property in lieu of funds) to an eligible sub-awardee (or a lower-tier transaction) to perform a substantive portion of an externally sponsored program or project. The term includes such financial assistance when provided by any legal agreement (even if the agreement is called a contract).

Other Terms: Consortium Agreement, Subcontract

Contract – GCO

A mechanism for procurement of a product or service with specific obligations for both Mount Sinai and the extramural funding agency and recipient. Typically, there are greater performance expectations associated with contracts, including project milestones and detailed deliverables (e.g., reports). The arrangement is usually designed to benefit the extramural funding agency by achieving an expected outcome or product.

Other Terms: Acquisition Mechanism

Cooperative Agreement – GCO

A type of grant award in which there is substantial scientific or programmatic involvement from the extramural funding agency. Substantial involvement means that, after award, scientific or program staff will assist, guide, coordinate, or participate in project activities.

Other Terms: U-series (NIH)

Grant – GCO

A type of financial assistance mechanism providing money, property, or both to Mount Sinai to carry out research or other approved project or activity.

Other Terms: Assistance Mechanism

Transfer Application – GCO

An application that is requesting that the legal and administrative responsibility is transferred from one legal entity to another.

Example: You are a new recruit to Mount Sinai and are transferring your grant here.

Other Term: Change of Grantee Organization

Final Report Application – GCO

An application closing out the project.

Example: Your grant is over and it’s now time to submit the close out documents.

Other Terms: Close Out

Supplement Application – GCO

An application that is requesting additional funding from funding agency beyond what is already approved.

Example: You are requesting funds to replace a piece of equipment that broke or add an additional post-doc.

Other Terms: Revision (NIH)

No-Cost Extension Application – GCO

An application requesting the extension of the award end date without additional funds from the extramural funding agency.

Example: Your grant end date is approaching, you are not done with your research, you would like to continue, and are not requesting any additional funds from the agency to do so.