COVID-19 In Vivo Research Ramp-up Guidance | Research Roadmap

COVID-19 In Vivo Research Ramp-up Guidance

Dean’s Office

Dean’s Office Phase I FAQ


CCMS Ramp up Strategy Guidelines (05/11/2020)

***COVID-19 work is essential and will continue to be supported at 100%.

Animal Orders/Breeding

  • For non COVID-19 aims, requests for animal orders and intra-campus transfers will be allotted a ramp up to support 25% of normal research demands and will be evaluated on a case by case basis by CCMS Director. Imports and exports will be reviewed and supported similarly.
  • A ramp up to support 25% of normal on-site breeding of critical research animals will be allowed and we urge investigators to protect their critical lines by cryopreservation or other means.
  • Within the ramp up, research related activities should support absolutely essential aims for ongoing studies or the health of the animal/line.

Scheduling access and controlling social distancing in the vivarium

   Personal Protective Equipment

  • Investigators entering the vivarium are required to follow the mask requirements established for general entry to the campus.
  • Surgical masks will be worn for survival surgery and all other protocols for which we have used these historically.
  • Standard PPE (gown, hair bonnet, gloves for procedures) is required when entering the vivarium. (Homemade masks are NOT appropriate for use within the viarium).

   Social Distancing in the vivarium

  • No more than two people in any common area including vivarium elevator lobbies, locker/rest rooms, breakrooms, gowning/de-gowning area.
  • All investigators must schedule work time in the vivarium to limit the number of people in procedure and housing rooms. No more than two people/lab/time slot in large housing or procedure rooms and one person in small housing and procedure rooms. (Small rooms are those considered unable to achieve 6 feet physical distancing).
  • Investigators will use the Microsoft Outlook room scheduling system to schedule both the use of housing and procedure rooms in blocks of no more than 2 hours. The facility supervisor will take steps to ensure equal access. (More than 2 hours needs to be justified and approved by Facility Veterinarian, or designee.) Instructions to reserve a Vivarium Room.
  • Investigators with time scheduled in housing or procedure rooms can enter areas where they are not scheduled for a brief period (NO MORE THAN 5 MINUTES) to retrieve/return cages or supplies, quickly check a cage of animals, etc.
  • Human and animal health and welfare are a priority. Time will be blocked in the Microsoft Outlook scheduling system for CCMS staff to complete their daily activities (husbandry/clinical) and allow them to maintain social distancing.

CCMS Staffing

  • Animal care staff and veterinary technical staff are currently reporting to work daily at a staggered density and tours to support social distancing.
  • Additional CCMS staff will increase on site presence and functionality as workloads dictate within the ramp up.

CCMS Vivarium Room Reservation Instructions (05/11/2020)

Instructional: Vivarium Room Reservations via Microsoft Outlook Scheduling Assistant

  1. Open your outlook email application. Next to the email icon, select the calendar icon.
  2. In the Calendar, select the date you would like to reserve the room for and then select New Meeting from the task ribbon.
  3. Add your name and your PIs name in the To box.
  4. In the Subject box, write Reserved. Time slots of 30 minute increments are available for reservation. A maximum of two hours is allowed to be reserved daily.
  5. In the Room Box, select the room you want to reserve from the prepopulated list provided.
    • To schedule Recurring meetings, on the Meeting menu, in the Options group, click Recurrence, select the recurrence pattern, and then click OK.
    • When you add a recurrence pattern to a meeting request, the Meeting menu changes to Recurring Meeting.
  6. When done setting up your meeting, click Send. The room reservation should now appear on your calendar.

*Please note: If you will no longer need to use your reserved time, please delete your reservation to allow other users the opportunity to book the available time slot.


Telecommuting of IACUC office due to COVID-19 (03/16/2020)

TO: All Research Faculty, Administrators and Research Personnel

Giorgio Martinelli, DSc., PhD,  IACUC Chair
Janice Gates-Porter, PhD, MOAM, MBA, CM, Director, IACUC Operations

RE: Telecommuting of IACUC office due to COVID-19

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in an effort to keep our staff and users safe, the IACUC office will be telecommuting. This will have no impact on our ability to assist our researchers. For a seamless experience we will offer remote assistance to any PI who wishes it via GoTo meeting or Zoom. Below we have provided a list of helpful resources. We will keep you apprised of any updates.

We thank you for your cooperation and patience as we work to assist you during this time.

IACUC Resources:

I. IACUC Website


III. Signatory:

Janice Gates-Porter, PhD, Director

Giorgio Martinelli, Dsc, PhD, Chair

Randy Albrecht, PhD, Vice-Chair

*Please route all signatory requests through the IACUC office

IV. Comparative Review questions:

Shekhar Patil, Ph.D.

Shekhar Patil

V. Topaz log in or animal fund account linkage queries:

CCMS Dept:


or Ms.Viviana Badillo

VI. eIACUC programming issues

Email: or create a ticket at

VII. Sinai Central Log in issues
x4HELP (212.241.4357)