Introduction to Oncore at ORS

Aug 3, 2023 | Conduits News, Edition 1

OnCore is the Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) licensed for use at Mount Sinai. Currently, all Industry-sponsored interventional clinical trials must have a study record (known as a protocol) and subject enrollment managed within it.  

The ORS OnCore Central Team (OCT) provides periodic review of OnCore data requirements for each active protocol, as well as general process reviews for teams utilizing OnCore. We also provide support for any of the optional uses of OnCore, such as protocol calendar builds and use of the financial console for budgeting and invoicing. The OnCore Central Team provides standard PEAK training courses required for obtaining an OnCore User account, but also has a Training SharePoint site dedicated to Training Documents such as Work Instructions and Tip Sheets, Training Videos where the user can practice certain OnCore tasks, and much more. We can also provide group or 1-on-1 OnCore trainings for OnCore functionality upon request. You can solicit these services by creating a ticket in OnCore Service Desk and choosing the appropriate request type based on your needs. 

Please note that the ORS OCT supports non-Cancer related research. If you need help with a Cancer protocol, you will need to communicate with the Tisch OnCore Support. 

The ORS OnCore Central Team (OCT) consists of 4 dedicated Mount Sinai employees whose aim is to provide support, training, business analysis, and overall trial management recommendations within OnCore.  

Communicate with the OCT 

Now that you’ve learned a little more about the OnCore Central Team (OCT), you may be wondering how you can reach them – the answer is MANY ways. 


Use the group email. All OCT members have access to this email and you can receive a response quickly by using this group email. 


Create a ticket if you need to request a calendar build, need user access, would like the OCT to build a protocol that is not currently part of the MSHS (Mount Sinai Health System) mandate, or just create a general support request. You can access the service desk through this link: OnCore Service Desk 


The OCT loves Microsoft Teams! They are always logged in and encourage you to look up any of their names to contact them directly. This is especially great if you have an immediate issue with OnCore and would like to share your screen so that they can support you immediately. 

OnCore ECHO (Electronic Communication and Help with OnCore) Listserv 

You can join ONCORE ECHO by clicking on the link below and joining the listserv directly to receive the monthly communications. 

Join the OnCore ECHO Listserv. 


ConduITS is supported by NCATS of the NIH’s CTSA Program. Any use of CTSA-supported resources requires citation of grant number UL1TR004419 awarded to ISMMS in the acknowledgment section of every publication resulting from this support. Adherence to the NIH Public Access Policy is also required. 

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