Fundamentals | Research Roadmap

COVID-19 Protocol Review Process for Clinical Research

A COVID-19 protocol review committee has been established to enhance the research that is being performed at Mount Sinai and ensure that we can provide resources to accommodate as many meritorious studies as possible by minimizing redundancies and competition for finite resources and promoting team science and collaboration.


The E-Consent Electronic Consenting Platform is now available for free, at no cost for all clinical research projects.

OMOP Common Data Model (CDM) and OHDSI ATLAS

OHDSI ATLAS is a web-based integrated platform for database exploration, standardized vocabulary browsing, cohort definition, and population-level analysis that can be used to query an industry-standard OMOP database sourced from the Mount Sinai Data Warehouse (MSDW).

De-identified Data Service

Mount Sinai has a duty to protect the confidentiality and integrity of Protected Health Information (PHI) as required by law and professional ethics, and for accreditation requirements.


The TriNetX platform allows researchers to query a subset of the Mount Sinai Data Warehouse to identify cohorts, access feasibility, and design protocols. It can be used to perform de-identified queries using MSDW data.

Agreement Navigator

Agreements can not be signed by ISMMS investigators. Agreements are legally binding and must be signed by an authorized ISMMS Signatory Official. Refer to the list of Agreement Types to determine which ISMMS office is required to review and negotiate your agreement.