COVID-19 Research Resources & Facilities
Scientific Computing and Data Chest CT scans and chest x-rays now added to COVID-19 datasets Scientific Computing continues to enhance and update the de-identified COVID-19 datasets, which currently consist of over 250 distinct data elements. A radiology file has now...COVID-19 Laboratory Research Ramp-up Guidance
Dean’s Office Research Update - Guidelines for the new year (01/06/2022) Dear Fellow Researchers, We want to welcome everyone back to campus after the holiday break. As you know, we are in the throes of a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the highly contagious...COVID-19 Human Subject Research Guidance
Dean’s Office and PPHS Update on On-site Monitoring for Clinical Trials (10/04/2022) TO: All Faculty, Staff, and Students FROM: Rosalind J. Wright, MD MPHDean for Translational Biomedical SciencesIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Judith A. Aberg, MDDean,...COVID-19 In Vivo Research Ramp-up Guidance
COVID-19 Guidance for Animal Research at MSHS.
RUTH – PPHS Communication Page
ATTENTION RUTH, the new IRB electronic submission and application tracking and review software rolled out on Wednesday, 9/23/20. Please go to the Research Roadmap RUTH – IRB Submission System page for more information and/or contact PPHS if you have any...General Thoracic Surgery STS Database
The General Thoracic Surgery Database of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) is a record of all thoracic surgical cases performed at the Mount Sinai Hospital since March 2012. This database of over 2000 cases contains information on demographics, surgery performed,...Research Townhall FAQs (3/18/2020)
COVID-19 FAQs from the first town hall.
Dean’s Office Phase I Ramp-up FAQs
COVID-19 FAQs from the Ramp-up Phase 1 town hall meeting.