Fundamentals | Research Roadmap

COVID-19 Sponsored Research Guidance

GCO Policy for Charging Personal Protective Equipment to NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements as Direct Costs - Clinical Trials and Clinical Research - NOT-OD-20-164 (09/11/2020) Please see the recently released NIH notice below on charging Personal Protective...

COVID-19 Research Resources & Facilities

Scientific Computing and Data Chest CT scans and chest x-rays now added to COVID-19 datasets Scientific Computing continues to enhance and update the de-identified COVID-19 datasets, which currently consist of over 250 distinct data elements. A radiology file has now...

COVID-19 Laboratory Research Ramp-up Guidance

Dean’s Office Research Update - Guidelines for the new year (01/06/2022) Dear Fellow Researchers, We want to welcome everyone back to campus after the holiday break. As you know, we are in the throes of a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the highly contagious...

COVID-19 Human Subject Research Guidance

Dean’s Office and PPHS Update on On-site Monitoring for Clinical Trials (10/04/2022) TO: All Faculty, Staff, and Students FROM: Rosalind J. Wright, MD MPHDean for Translational Biomedical SciencesIcahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Judith A. Aberg, MDDean,...

RUTH – PPHS Communication Page

 ATTENTION RUTH, the new IRB electronic submission and application tracking and review software rolled out on Wednesday, 9/23/20. Please go to the Research Roadmap RUTH – IRB Submission System page for more information and/or contact PPHS if you have any...

General Thoracic Surgery STS Database

The General Thoracic Surgery Database of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) is a record of all thoracic surgical cases performed at the Mount Sinai Hospital since March 2012. This database of over 2000 cases contains information on demographics, surgery performed,...


The CONCERNS module is to be used to submit animal welfare related concerns only.  When to Use the CONCERNS Module:  reporting animal welfare related concerns reporting unanticipated problems involving risk to animal subjects or laboratory personnel Do not use the...