Currently Dr. Siddiq is working on taking a Systems Pharmacology approach to promoting axonal regeneration in the injured central nervous system (CNS). He is using the optic nerve model for regeneration, but hopes to expand the work to the spinal cord injury model in the near future. To look at regenerating fibers Dr. Siddiq will use the 3DISCO clearing technique to eliminate sectioning the tissue and look at all the axons regenerating in the intact nerve utilizing a multiphoton microscope. He also is taking an electrophysiological approach by recording electroretinograms (ERGs) from the retina from the injured and non-injured eye.
Dr. Siddiq’s study titled Poly(pro-Boldine) aims to:
- To synthesize Poly(pro-Boldine) to provide localized, extended-release of Boldine to the injured spinal cord.
ConduITS is supported by NCATS of the NIH’s CTSA Program. Any use of CTSA-supported resources requires citation of grant number UL1TR004419 awarded to ISMMS in the acknowledgment section of every publication resulting from this support. Adherence to the NIH Public Access Policy is also required.